In a matter of moments you were connected to every friend you ever had in your lifetime, you connected with world and international news reporters and celebrities and suddenly you were “in the know” about everything you were interested in.
I was “friends” with Oprah Winfrey even though I had never met her before. I gave opinions on news stories and those reporters answered back and followed up on their stories. I was able to tell a brand that I liked or disliked something and have someone respond that they had heard my concerns. Wow. Social media was like the internet on crack. (Disclaimer, I’ve never used crack by the way so I hope the reference makes sense)
Then Facebook morphed and changed with many upgrades and additions. Now there were different distinction to pages and interactivity was limited by page and account settings. Add in edge ranking (I could speak on this for an hour) and social media business users started to self-promote more and interact less. Pages on Facebook were pushing the same content onto Twitter without having someone present to monitor Twitter to answer any tweets or engage their followers. The age of social media management tools began and with one click the same content could be cross pollinated across multiple social media platforms.
At its start, social media shrank our world into 140 characters or entertaining images. A thumbs up and a share button kept us connected to family and friends and personal interests across the globe. Scrolling down your news feed or twitter feed kept you informed on global and local news as well as celebrity gossip.
It’s still that way for the most part. Instant information is the amazing thing about social media. But the connectivity isn't the same. The world of social media is growing larger. Page owners (business leaders, brands, celebrities) don’t respond to posts as often as they once did. Most posts are self-serving and the feeling that you are “in the know” just isn't there anymore.
Oftentimes you feel like posts coming from leaders and brands are micro commercials…You either turn them off (turn off notifications) or you just start to tune them out.