I have some random good personal news to share-
In 2009 I had genetic testing because cancer runs in my family like a marathoner.
I have a BRCA1 variant of uncertain significance- which means they didn't know much about it at the time except that it was a gene mutation. They promised to get back to me as soon as researchers learned what it was...and because research is slow and funding is not unlimited and some doctors suck at following up with old patients, here we are 6 long years later...lol.
A fantastic Myriad research-type-person just told me that it is a "favored polymorphism and all data indicates that it's benign". I'll take that, JACK! One less ax hanging over my head.
Today, I'll let the girlie-parts breathe a sigh of relief on this one.
For more info on BRCA testing please visit the Myriad website