Sometimes I do wonder if there's a finish line or if the excitement of a new project or partnership is what fuels me to continue doing what I do? It's what I love to do. But still. I do get tired.
The creative juices that pump out an article or a blog can be taxing, especially if your writing multiple stories on multiple subjects.
The creative energy it takes to create a website is exhilarating to this tech junkie, but I'm knackered for a full day after.
The emotional energy it takes to support patients, families and others who work in my field is debilitating too. After all, everything sits squarely on your shoulders. I can't count the number of times my heart has broken for someone I've grown to care about.
So many bits and pieces that make up this extraordinary life of mine. An extraordinary life that is far from easy. But it's my choice to do all the things I do. I have to make it a priority to nurture myself and rest and renew.
There are so many bits and pieces that could easily chip away at me until there's nothing left....
I have to balance them with bits and pieces of joy and successes and creations that leave me giddy with excitement.
I think that's the secret that's actually not a secret at all. Balance.
We've got to manage all the bits and pieces of our lives and balance the good with the not so good, the joy with the difficulties, and the sacrifices with the rewards.
I'm not great at it. But I'm learning. It's a practice I try my hand at every day. Some days I succeed, while other days I lose my footing and fall off the balance-beam of life....but
I get up, and try again.
"If you're not winning, you're losing." ~Ricky Bobby, Taledega Nights
"If you're not growing, you're dying." ~ Colossians 1:13-12
"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." ~Maya Angelou